Next Healing Service at Divine Mercy Sanctuary, San Pawl tat-Targa

The next healing service by the Marana Tha’ catholic charismatic community lead by Dr John Bonnici Mallia will be held at the new Divine Mercy Sanctuary, at San Pawl tat-Targa (limits of Naxxar), Malta at 7:30pm next Friday 8th May 2009.

Jesus still heals today!
Divine Mercy


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contact us at:
vincentius aris
chairman of the rally committee
[email protected]

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dear responsible,

we, from the catholic charismatic service of diocese of bandung, indonesia.
we would like to invite dr. John’s team, also pastor Clark Taylor to serve the healing prayer rally in bandung city, indonesia.
we would like to send letter or email about this plan, but do not know the address of their office nor representative.
who could help us?
thank you, God bless you.

vincentius aris
chairman of the rally committee

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You’re healing services must be amazing. Anyone fortunate enough to be called by the holy spirit to be there will surely be blessed.

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