“Queen of the universe – Mediatrix of men to God, Refuge of all our hopes – Have mercy on us.”
Next Ta’ Xbiex Cenacle with Eucharistic Adoration
The date when the next Eucharistic Cenacle adoration will be held in the Ta’ Xbiex parish church is announced in the weekly parish notices.
Format: Following 6pm Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins, together with singing of songs of praise, the Rosary is said by Group Cenacle Ta’ Xbiex (Marian Movement) members and other meditations (a message of Our Lady from Fr Gobbi’s Book is read).
Fr Gobbi of the MMP was in MALTA in November 24-29 1999, and on Sunday 28th November he gave a talk for the faithful and concelebrated a Mass in honour of Mary’s Immaculate Heart, at 5.30pm in St Anthony’s Church Ghajn Dwieli (Knisja ta’ Sant Antnin Ghajn Dwieli).
Further Information:
The National Annual Cenacle Meeting
Other sites of Interest: