One week without Facebook
One week without Facebook! One week ago precisely, Facebook suspended a number of Catholic pages and their admins for no reason.
One week without Facebook! One week ago precisely, Facebook suspended a number of Catholic pages and their admins for no reason.
The pages belonging to the Marian Movement Ta’Xbiex are now being hosted on You can find them Under the Prayer menu above, or directly at: You will also notice a fresh look to these pages.. hope you like it!
URGENT: Please pray for Bishop Joe Grech who is in the ITU in an Australian Hospital… Update: Bishop Joe died.. Visit the Facebook RIP page:
We received this email “Qed tigri l-idea li biex inpattu ghall-offiza li saret lill-KURCIFISS bis-sentenza tal-Qorti Ewropea ta’ Stasburgu, b’konnessjoni mal-FESTA TA’ KRISTU Re –li tant ghandha x’taqsam mal-Kurcifiss — inwahhlu l-Kurcifiss mal-gallarijiet, it-twieqi u l-bibien taghna, minn barra, u nzejnuh u nixeghluh, il-Gimgha is -Sibt u l-Hadd, 20, 21 u 22 ta’ Novembru- fid-djar il-kazini u l-ghaqdiet taghna . Fi knejjes u skejjel u ghaqdiet, tista’ tinghata xi forma ta’ qima lill-Kurcifiss, per ezempju bhall-bews tieghu fil-Gimgha l-kbira. Mexxu dan is-suggeriment b’kull mod. Tistghu…