Our Lady has repeatedly asked that we form little groups of prayer to be known as “Cenacles” i.e. in the spirit of the Cenacle in Jerusalem, where she formed the Apostles in prayer as they awaited the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the first Pentecost. Our Lady promises to be with us and to pray with us when we meet together in this way (see for instance message no 34). In our Ta’ Xbiex Parish our cenacles are held in the church in the form of a Eucharistic Adoration on the third Tuesday of the month.
No fixed form is prescribed for a Cenacle. If it is possible, it is recommended that a Priest be present, but if this is not possible, the Cenacle can still be formed. It need not be numerous; two or three persons will suffice e.g. a family circle or group of families. Normally during a Cenacle we would expect to say 5 decades of the Rosary, to pray for the Holy Father, to reflect together on some passages of the Book and to renew our Act of Consecration in the long form. We would suggest to you, as well as making your own Act of consecration, you might think of forming a Cenacle of your own, perhaps in conjunction with some neighbours and friends, and also to see whether your own local Priests would be interested in the Movement. They could even be given a Book.
The Cenacles can take different forms. Some larger ones are sometimes held in a Parish Church, where a Priest resides and may include within it the Holy Mass or Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. On the other hand, the movement strongly suggests the formation of “family Cenacles” where a family will gather around a favourite statue of Our Lady and pray in the way which has been suggested. It is possible to invite neighbours and friends to come in and be part of the Cenacle, although this is not necessary. Please note that if the Cenacle is not just being held for the family, and you are inviting people then it is important that you get the Parish Priest’s permission beforehand. It is possible also to form little guided Cenacles for young people, there is even a special Act of Consecration for them, which can be found at the back of the Book.
Finally, we would like to mention a promise made by Our Lady to Father Gobbi. He tells of how, when he asked Our Lady for help for the many young people who lose their way and seem to lose the Faith and for an answer he could give to anxious parents, he says that She replied “Tell those parents to say the Rosary every day and to ask me ‘Mother, please use this Rosary as the golden chain which binds my child to Your Immaculate Heart‘, and I will save that child.”