Awakening Prayer – Lectio Divina
Prayer To Our Lady of Good Health
Talba Lill-Madonna tas-Sokkors Perpetwu (prayer in Maltese to Our Lady)

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Please pray for requests which were submitted as ‘private’. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer for their needs in Jesus’ name. God Bless you.


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Please pray for the following people: Blanca B,Barbara S,Karen K her husband Kim and her dad John,Michael L,John D,Patricia L,Steve F,Chris H,Noel B,Mike F,Joseph A,Roberto H,Robert G,Robert A Please pray for the following intentions: Need money for home repairs,Thanksgiving for favors received,End of abortion,Prayer in schools,Good homes for extra animals,Poor souls in Purgatory

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Melissa H

Please pray the judge will give me back custody of my two sons on Tuesday September 17 and they will come home with me that day. Please pray for their healing and the healing of our entire family. Please pray for my husband who enters drug rehab today, for his successful completion of rehab and a full recovery. Please pray for the health of our unborn baby. Please pray I will be able to financially support my family on my own during this time.

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T. Guillory

Please pray for my GodChild…she is Nikita Ardoin Catoire , baby’s not ok. More than likely will have a miscarriage. She needs a powerful prayer….to save the life of her child.

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Kindly pray for my husband Walter Appos(36)for healing from stomach cancer stage 4. Doctors have told chemo therapy will not help him and also the signs are getting worse day by day. We have been in difficulties from last 4 yrs, but now everything seems to be shattered.
Kindly request you to pray to Lord Jesus, to provide him healing from cancer.

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Dear community, please pray for our very serious financial situation caused by father´s long-lasting unreasonable wasting of money. We all have been giving him very much money. He has terrible debts and loans, we are desperate and helpless. Please pray that Lord helps us solve our financial problems and that He gives my father light and wisdom, to see this situation in true light and have good will to solve it. God bless you!

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sheryl james

Please pray for me that cancer has not returned in any form. I had breast cancer in 2009 and my entire body aches now. I have one 20 year old daughter and I want to live to see her finish college and have children. I don’t want to leave her. I also want to feel better. My name is Sheryl.

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Kindly pray for the healing of my sister Virginia who is suffering from brain tumor that has spread on the spine and liver. Please pray for her successful surgery coming Sept. 17th. Dearest Lord Jesus, through the loving intercession of our Blessed Virgin Mary, please lay your healing hands on my sister Virginia and all the sick. Thank you Lord.

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Peter maina

Please pray for me to be healed from severe abdominal pain which has been persistent for many many years and bothers me a lot. Please pray for my healing. Thanks.

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Melissa Mancha

My Dad, Raul Garcia,has been fighting cancer of lungs for 7years now. He was only given 6months to live, but by the grace of God he is still here. About 3years ago they found cancer spread to lower back and hips. For the past year his pain in back and hips has been unbearable at times. Aug. 14, 2013 his CT Scan showed cancer spread to liver, and being referred to MD Anderson. Throughout all his my Dad continues to stay positive. I lift him up in prayer. Please pray for my Father.

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teresa romine

our lady. we pray for depresion and suicidel thoughts, we wish your grace in over coming and that I may serve you more.I tried suicide last month and live through it. I know that this wrong and want to find peace and strengh to fight the depression and the nightmares that over whelm me. please hear my pray

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