Awakening Prayer – Lectio Divina
Prayer To Our Lady of Good Health
Talba Lill-Madonna tas-Sokkors Perpetwu (prayer in Maltese to Our Lady)

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Lord, pls help my husband to know you, to believe in you from the heart. Pls help him change his attitude, help him to be a loving husband and a responsible father to my children. Give him a greater understanding in everything that’s happening instead of saying bad comments. Pls touch his heart and mind so he will let us stay with my mom for as long as she lives. Pls keep my husband safe and healthy always. Pls give him he the courage and the strength to totally quit smoking. Thank you Lord for all the blessings.

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Lord, pls help my family financially. Pls give my brother’s the strength and knowledge to run the small business that they have for them to be able to provide well for their family. Pls help also my husband so he will continuously have a contract as a seafarer. Thank you Lord for our daily blessings.

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please pray for my mother, Clara, to be healed of heart disease and continue to serve our Lord her on Earth.

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travis escalante

9-28-13 you are my hope, in prayer i come before you in full faith,prasie you YAHWEH. provide overflowing financial blessings for american mattress and guidance for aidanand justin. audra and travis home ownership. travis faith to move mountains and 150 million or more. art jr seek GOD fully. art sr and xavi strength and overflowing financial blessings. kate health issues. kathy relationship issues. car issues resolved. truck money refunds. So many things on my heart father YAHWEH

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Praying for Kenya. Putting victims (plus their families and friends) of the Westgate mall attack in God’s hands. May He be with the hostages, the bereaved and all those affected by this attack at this time. Praying for all the soldiers who are working on freeing the hostages. Praying for those still receiving treatment. Praying for the medical staff who are handling these cases. And for the souls of those who lost their lives. May they rest in eternal peace. May the hostages be rescued safely. Please Lord intervene and take charge of this situation.

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peter m

please pray to the lock to heal me from stomach which has been severe and persistent for many many years. Pray for my healing

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Please pray for my family and I
My mother is in terrible pain with leg ulcers
I suffer from depression and am broken hearted over my daughter who is very sad about not having children
A miracle is needed Jesus please remember us
Your daughter

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Please send me a husband and children. To be healed from Parkinson’s disease. Please help me obtain better employment, to travel more and to go out on my own. For protection from harm and peace in the family.

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I am asking for prayers for my sister and her husband who are having financial difficulties. Please, Lord, do not let them lose their house. I am also asking for prayers for my nephew to become employed. May God bless each and every one of you.

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Lord, thank you that my husband arrived safely. Thank you for his job for 8 mos. I am asking again for your help to please help my husband another contract on board. Pls give him a good salary so we will be able to build a house of our own. I believe that you will answer my prayers. Thank you Lord for all answered prayers.

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