Night of Light
The 31st of October is celebrated all over the world as Halloween.. – the feast of darkness.
As Halloween falls on October 31st, it is the eve of all saints day. The name ‘Halloween’ therefore originates from this. –’Hallow’ meaning ‘Holy’ and’ ‘Een’ being a shortened version of the word evening. In spite of this Halloween has traditionally been strongly associated with darkness rather than light, and the practices that have taken over halloween are as far removed form holiness they can possibly be.
Christians throughout the world are working together to bring the ‘Hallow’ back into ‘Halloween’ and to spread the light where there is only darkness. As their little contribution to this worldwide effort, St Joseph’s School Sliema is organising an activity – called the Night of Light – during which pupils from this school will be visiting Ta’ Xbiex taking the light of Jesus into people’s hearts and homes, spreading peace and goodwill wherever they go.
Fil-lejl tal-31 ta’ Ottubru, id-dinja kollha ticcelebra Halloween – il-festa tad-dlamijiet.
Halloween jahbat fil-31 ta’ Ottubru, lejlet il-festa tal-Qaddisini kollha. Il-kelma Halloween fil-fatt gejja minn hawn: Hallow tfisser qaddis filwaqt li Een hija l-kelma mqassra Evening, jigifieri lejla. Minkejja dan, il-Halloween ghandu konnessjonijiet qawwijin mad-dlam aktar milli mad-dawl, u l-uzanzi li jigu prattikati f’din il-festa huma mill-aktar ‘il boghod mill-qdusija.
Hafna Nsara madwar id-dinja qed jaghmlu sforzi flimkien biex igibu l-qdusija lura fil-Halloween u b’hekk idahhlu d-dawl fejn bhalissa hemm biss dlam. Biex jaghtu kontribut ghal dan l-isforz dinji, l-istudenti ta’ St Joseph’s School Sliema qed jorganizzaw attivita’ – imsejha l-Lejl tad-Dawl – li matulha l-istudenti se jkunu qed izuru Ta’ Xbiex biex igibu d-dawl ta’ Kristu fil-qlub u fid-djar tan-nies ta’ din il-lokalita’.
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