Prayer Requests

Awakening Prayer – Lectio Divina
Prayer To Our Lady of Good Health
Talba Lill-Madonna tas-Sokkors Perpetwu (prayer in Maltese to Our Lady)

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Please pray for requests which were submitted as ‘private’. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer for their needs in Jesus’ name. God Bless you.


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1,000 thoughts on “Prayer Requests”

  1. Our Lady of Good Health, You are the health of the sick, the refuge of sinners, the consolation of the afflicted and the dispenser of all graces. In my weakness and discouragement, I appeal today to the treasures of Your Divine Mercy and Goodness, and I dare to call you by the sweet name of Mother.
    Yes, O Mother, attend Luisa Maria Fernandes Gomes (16.06.1953) and Maria Paula Simões Nunes de Resende (26.09.1947) both of them living in Portugal – Lisbon, and sufferinf of very serious illness in their infirmity, give them bodily health, so that they may do their duties with vitality and joy, and with the same disposition may them serve Your Beloved Son Jesus and give thanks to you, Health of the sick. Our Lady of Good Health, pray for them. Amen. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who come to you!

  2. please pray the woman coming to america to marry my brother is not a fake.
    please pray his heart is strengthened and at peace. that he will come to know God personally and find love and acceptance from family if this woman is a fake. please pray for my heart and my mother’s heart that we would be drawn closer to God and to each other if this situation is not what it appears. In humility I appreciate your prayers.

  3. My 88 year old Mother (Lucy) was just diagnosed with breast cancer. She has lived her life with a strong faith and has passed that faith along to her 7 children. Please pray for my Mother’s healing. Pray that she finds peace and acceptance in whatever God’s plan is for her and the peace and grace to make it through this difficult time. Please pray also for her family, caregivers and doctors that God’s hand will guide them.
    Thank You!

  4. Please pray that my womb will be healed and all test results will turn out to be free of cancer. Please also pray that I will be able to conceive and birth a healthy baby. Thank you, and may God bless you.

  5. Please pray for my sister, Mary! She has suffered many years with severe leg and feet pain. Strangely, it has been deforming her one foot; even doctors do not understand why. She trys to hide her tears but they roll down her face everyday. The pain is excruciating and unbearable. It has effected her quality of life. What has been amazing about her story and an inspiration to me is that she has been in love with Jesus and the Blessed Mother since she was a little girl and continues today the relationship/prayer life and having Faith. She has shared the gospel with others and has brought several people back to the Catholic Church that have left. When you visit and talk with her, you can actually feel Gods prenscence. Now my sister Mary, still young, uses an electric wheel chair at home and at work and crutches/cane when wheelchair is not ideal in some places. Please, Please, I beg all of you to pray for Mary and for a physical healing for her ( a miracle). As long as it is God’s will.

  6. my name is Hubert Knightsandi have prostate cancer.i ask for prayer that my psa is going down ,and that God takes away my cancer..thankyou all

  7. Dear sir/madam

    My two year old son’s faeces are not going since 6 days. For that he is suffering pain in stomach and irritating. Now he started to omit because of not going faeces (toilet). He is crying lots. I request you to kindly pray for his immediate cure so that he can get relief from all troubles in his stomach.
    Thanking you.
    Shinoj Abraham

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