Suggestion about the Cross as reparation for European Court sentence in Strasbourg

We received this email
“Qed tigri l-idea li biex inpattu ghall-offiza li saret lill-KURCIFISS bis-sentenza tal-Qorti Ewropea ta’ Stasburgu, b’konnessjoni mal-FESTA TA’ KRISTU Re –li tant ghandha x’taqsam mal-Kurcifiss —
inwahhlu l-Kurcifiss mal-gallarijiet, it-twieqi u l-bibien taghna, minn barra, u nzejnuh u nixeghluh, il-Gimgha is -Sibt u l-Hadd, 20, 21 u 22 ta’ Novembru- fid-djar il-kazini u l-ghaqdiet taghna . Fi knejjes u skejjel u ghaqdiet, tista’ tinghata xi forma ta’ qima lill-Kurcifiss, per ezempju bhall-bews tieghu fil-Gimgha l-kbira. Mexxu dan is-suggeriment b’kull mod. Tistghu tibdew issa stess, mal-contacts kollha taghkom.

dun pawl camilleri”

roughly translated as follows
“The idea is circulating as reparation for the offence given to the CROSS by the European Court of Strasbourg’s sentence, in connection with the FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING — which is connected to the Cross — let us place the Cross on our balconies, windows and doors, outside, and decorate and light it, on Friday 20th, Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd November – in houses, clubs and our organisations. In churches, schools and organisations, a form of worship can be made to the Cross, for instance kissing the Cross as is done on Good Friday. Forward this suggestion in any way you can. You can start immediately, with all your contacts.

Fr Paul Camilleri”

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